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Mustang Australia

Author Topic: help needed urgently  (Read 6440 times)

Offline mark678

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« on: December 04, 2008, 09:44:31 pm »
Has anyone imported a car recently and had to deal with these new ozone laws on air con . i have just landed 4 cars one has r12 gas in it (that's the bad stuff) and one has r134 which is what cars run now... now here is the stupidity of it all they will give me 21 days to have the r12 decanted... no problems .... the other they want you to get a licence to import... you cannot decant it and the licence is $3000, typical government lunacy makes no sense..... has anyone found another out on this stupidity   ..need to find out asap as my cars are stuck till this is sorted ......cheers  

Offline Shermatt

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« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2008, 12:59:37 am »

If the bills of laiding are in your name and the import approvals for these 4 cars are ALL in your basically have to bite the bullit.

If any 1 of the cars are on a seperate bill of laiding and you have a seperate import approval for that 1 can clear that 1 car...if it doesnt have A/C. There is NOTHING stopping you.

This Law/bill was passed in late 2000 and enforced in early 2001. Over past years they have highlighted it even further by not allowing the exporter (me) being able to do it at the point of origin. They now require it be removed by a licensed A/C guy with a certificate or receipt stating that it has been done at this end.

They only ever reqired that, IF, the car had FACTORY A/C. If the car had after market A/C, I could remove the receiver dryer and place it in the glove box. Not any more.

I have a 73 mustang convertible for a member on this site sitting in my driveway here in Florida that has aftermarket A/C that is getting the gas removed today so it can be shipped to Adelaide next week.

It sucks that its now $3000, as it was only $1800 back in December 07. I had better update our website if they are now robbing you for that much.

However, seeing as you have 4 cars, you adviously plan on doing a few cars over time, so claim it as an expense or claim it as your personal tax for some form of future employment training or something....thats your call.

As for the $3000, I can tell you now, there is no way out and by the time you try and find some sort of loop hole, the cars will/may incur storage costs at the dock/port and they would of shut the door on what ever avenue your trying to venture down.

Easiest thing to pay it ;]

It adds a cost of $750 to each of the cars landed.

I know thats not what you are wanting to hear but maybe focus on the ONLY out they have given you as applying for this B/S DEH licesnce may even take some time aswell....and then you have to get the work carried out on top of that......And theres 1-2 weeks in my head..never been in this position.

just a heads up, i dont think you can use anyone elses license if the B/L's and import approval is in your name. the license will have to reflect the B/L's and/or the name on the import approval to be valid.

Here is a link to the DEH website

Hope that information helps and Im sorry Im the bearer of bad news. If you need any help with anything else, feel free to contact me, my advice is free.


Shermatt International. Florida

Offline mark678

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« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2008, 07:57:46 am »
Hi Matt
Thanks for that info ......can you beleive we have that sort of stupidity in our government, that is what i tried in vain to explain to her, so it is fine for a usa fridgy to extract the gas but not an australian guy, but it is fine to let one of our guys get rid of the r12 absolutley beyond beleif, do not worry though i can handle the $3000, just do not want to because it is wrong, some common sense has to come into play somewhere, i will get on one of our TV shows showing just how stupid our government rules can be..... highlighting the fact that they would rather give jobs to americans rather than our own ...they like that type of story ....anyway thanks again and i guess i'll just pay.....cheers Mark

Offline Shermatt

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« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2008, 09:24:33 am »

that sort of shit has been going on for over 12 years. You have to look at the bigger picture. Its not about the jobs that thier concerned about. Its the huge GLUT of imported cars coming into the country.

They killed the japanese import revolution in which I had one of the best fully aquipped work shops in adelaide that was run with ISO9001 even though we were not acreditted at the time.

If any department can prosper from scaring the little guy try and have a crack at it by themselves..they will.

By putting what ever they can in place to make it hard, eg. fees for cleaning a car at the docks, registration inspection fees, A/C licenses..what ever..theere going to do it....(Everything has gone gone up in cost since I was there in Jan) it creates FEAR in the commercial and domestic buyer to prevent them from doing it.

I remember when quaranteen was mearly looking at the car and asking whos car was it. Now they jack the FN thing up and look in between the manifold gaskets for road lint.

But, as for going on TV and making a stand in regards to that....Im 100% behind you. And Im sure theres 100 other people standing in line that are quite happy to jump in and stand behind your cause.

Ive been down this avenue in regards to the new RAWS workshops back in 2000-2001 and I can safely say that due to the fact its in regards to grey imports (thats the catorgory they'll be put into) it will mostly.... NOT  be followed up.

It is a very contraversal (is that how ya spell it..doesnt look subject.

The DEH has been advertising for years now in car magazines that it should be takin care of before it hits our shores yet they charge $3k.... for a licsence...maybe the gas is more harmfull than we car fellas realize....

Either way, I dont know too much about what this gas does to the atmosphere and even if it only lingeres above a country that it is released/discharged whatever. But why mess up such a beautiful country.

If you decide to go the whole hog mark, Our company would stand behind 100% as Im VERY curious...I do what they tell me to do...its only $20US at this end, but why not pay an Ozzie to do it.... I spose that endorses imported cars

I think it boils down to keeping imports out as it effects our economy on a greater scale above what effects the little guy like you and me.

Very interesting topic you have brought up

Right behind ya mate...let me know if I can help in your cause


Offline Shermatt

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« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2008, 09:33:10 am »
basically...they just want to keep imports out REGARDLESS that mustangs FN ROCK


Offline Shermatt

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« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2008, 12:30:25 pm »
T code

its the same deal. If the car has factory a/c it needs a declaration of some kind....BUT...I know guys that have been caught here aswell.

I could do the the same with James's car in the driveway...disconect it...write a note tellin em Ive had sex with monkeys....Its basically at there discretion...For $20 Im not prepared to risk one of my customers cars, but I would definately have a crack with one of my own as it was disconected years ago....just to be safe I would still get a declaration from the previous owner.

The DEH requires the receiver dryer to be disconected and the "filler unit valve????" to be disconected...something like that and a declaration or receipt of work carried out. Its best to ask your customs agent T-code, they know the inspectors at your closest port and know what they require as they have a better relation with them as they deal with them all the time.

I just do what is required...for the companies sake ....but...if it was me...Id be with Mark...Id send it to Oz as they have requested it......I might try get a chance to peruse their site over the next few days as Im curious about this whole topic Mark has raised.


PS.Personally, if it had A/C in the past...and it is now disconected and has been for for 15 years....its still coming back to Oz...and there rules are in place.....

Get a dodgy certificate from the whoever you are buying it from as part of the deal/purchase.

When it rolls to Oz, regardless it never worked for 15 years...who cares...their happy and got their pretty little paper thingy ma bob, and you got da wheels:a


Offline mark678

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« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2008, 10:31:55 am »
Basically my shipper stuffed up not getting rid of the gas, even if they just cut the lines, would have done, this licence to to import a car with air on it is just another $ raising scam by the gov, does absolutley nothing just allows you to keep your gas in the car, big *&$% deal........... vac the gas in the states and it cost u nothin ....well i guess it give our guys a job to regas em.......  big ? WHY ... what the hell difference does it make.... take it out in the states put it back in here ....or pay $3000 and you don't have to bother ........ just makes no sense to me
 The R12 though is another matter, they do give u a brake there, and they should... it is actually illegal to import with that gas.Why make it a crime?
 it should just be mandatory to have the gas removed upon arrival here or certfied it was done at origin just as long as it is done .....IT IS THAT SIMPLE ..... but oh no..... why not make it a criminal offence ....thats just stupid and wrong. No wonder the economic world is in the toilet with all the dumbarses passing laws like this .......

Offline Shermatt

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« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2008, 06:04:15 am »
Well I took James's car down to get the gas sucked out, cost me $10, they removed the receiver drier and threw it on the floor, removed the filler/bleed nozzles and disconnected all the lines to the compressor.

That should do the trick.

Car got no my receipt and a business card from the place of work carried out.

Now its off to LA destined for a 3 week ocean cruize to Adeleaide

Offline mark678

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« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2008, 04:01:48 pm »
well saga almost over had the r12 removed from one...... quarantine are now happy cars are clean dep of eviorment are hppy with it all but i still may not get them  till early Jan now all because they only update these licences once a month and as such i have to wait till then then  so that they can give customs the ok to clear them ...........just brilliant hey............ a simple name update ...and every thing grinds to a halt

Offline stuie87

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« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2008, 06:45:15 pm »
Originally posted by T-CODE KID
gotta agree wit ya mark678 ,,alot of horse s hit & tripe going around with these aqis idionts  

Aqis i am 100% sure has nothing to do with the aircon gas in imported cars.
  Air con gas is a dept of environment issue.
 Government all the same though.

Mark i hope you are not paying storage fees till January as they will kill you!

Heres the AQIS guide to car importation

Offline mark678

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« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2008, 04:45:15 pm »
Your right they don't that is just another issue....but hurah!! all is good the eviro folk gave me the all clear as have aqis ...they are all now in my backyard is anyone after a 67 conv?

Offline Shermatt

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« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2008, 10:54:01 pm »
great work mark.  Its good to hear

Good luck