Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha

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Author Topic: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha  (Read 8707 times)

Offline Moz

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Just had to post this.
It is exactly what I would have done.

One day while driving with my 2 daughters sitting in the back seats, they started arguing over a gameboy,
so I grabbed it and threw it out the window and kept driving.

In shock they both said
Do you know how much that costs?
I said yes, I paid for it and now some poor kid can have it for free.

They never said a word.

Moz   :lmao:
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 01:14:29 pm by Moz »

Offline ND69

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2014, 02:26:17 pm »
excellent should be more of it.

Offline StephenSLR

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2014, 10:26:08 pm »
Unfortunately this is much the same as my son. 17, dropped out of school, left home, all be because he only cares about playing video games.
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Offline JT_1994

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2014, 10:56:04 pm »
That is hilarious!! :lmao: :lmao:

Anyone seen this one?
JT_1994 aka "Nixon"

Offline StephenSLR

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Unfortunately this is much the same as my son. 17, dropped out of school, left home, all be because he only cares about playing video games.

Sorry to hear that; hopefully he's on his own two feet now.

I've heard of guys shacking up, unemployed and still playing games while the partner is out working.

I recall the days of the arcade game and how some of my friends would spend all their time & pocket money playing pinnies, Frogger, etc.  I came from a poor family so couldn't really comprehend the waste of money.  The timing was perfect for some of them, straight out of the arcades and into the pubs to spend their paypackets playing cardies.



Offline Ash

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2014, 08:14:00 am »
Thanks, Stephen. But unfortunately it is his grandma that has always babied him and fed his gaming addiction. So that is where he runs to when ever he gets told what he doesn't want to hear. Only thing now is he is an young adult making childish decisions that will effect the rest of his life. He's a smart kid, just very very lazy.

And you got it, he sponges off his girlfriend as well.

It was not us who purchased the computer, or the I-pod, the smartphone, x-box, gameboy and all the data and credit to go along with them all. There's no way we'd ever give him an electronic device as a gift.
The last big drama we had with him was because his mum and I took his computer off him. The first excuse to go running came up and he took off with his computer but left all his clothes, they apparently are not important.

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Offline GLENN 70

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2014, 08:33:10 am »
Ash hope he wakes up to himself soon but he's not the only 17 year old doing that . You have to try and find him another interest as well like cars now he is 17 . But thank god he is not into drugs or going out getting drunk so not games really aren't that bad .

Offline Ash

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2014, 09:02:39 am »
Thanks, Glenn. He's definitely not the only one. It was really frustrating having interviews with the teachers at school how there were whole groups all doing the exact same thing. One of the staff was actually tears because her own daughter was one of them.

I keep saying, I was always in trouble when I was young for never being home on time. I always being outside either on my bike or motorbike, then cars as I got older. I was the complete opposite, never wanted to be at home in doors. No wonder kids are so into vampire and demon movies, they hate the sun themselves!
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Offline StephenSLR

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I guess it's good to know he's only 17 and will hopefully get on the right track. I feel for parents these days, even if you want to discipline your kids, they no doubt will be in school alongside other kids who have all the latest gadgetry and there'd be a lot of peer group pressure to keep up with the lastest gizmo.

A friend has a 10 year old and I'm surprised what comes out of this guys mouth, he's a good kid and I'm sure not as bad as his some of his classmates, he's watched pron, obviously while at school, more than likely from some hand held device and has a far more advanced knowledge of sex and sexuality than when I was his age.


Offline Ash

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2014, 09:21:56 am »
I guess it's good to know he's only 17 and will hopefully get on the right track. I feel for parents these days, even if you want to discipline your kids, they no doubt will be in school alongside other kids who have all the latest gadgetry and there'd be a lot of peer group pressure to keep up with the lastest gizmo.

This happened big time. We took his wireless internet connection as he wasn't sleeping and staying up all night playing games but that week he wasn't able to download the latest Game of Thrones episode. He was losing his mind as everyone he knew had watched it and was talking about it. He kept saying, the internet was alive with talk about it and he couldn't avoid it and didn't want to find out what happened. This went on for 3 days. Some of the hissy fits were much like that kid in the first vid clip int his thread. I guess someone eventually gave him a copy to watch as he eventually gave up on us about it.
"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken" - Kernel Sanders


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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2014, 09:31:48 am »
In our day, maintaining contact with friends meant leaving the house and getting out and about. Now, contact with friends is virtually faceless, what with facebook, texting etc. Our Kids are a product of todays society and technology, just as we were a product of the technology available( cassette players and cheap petrol!). Both my sons (24yrs and 28yrs) went through the technovampire stage and eventually became so bored and listless, they eventually got off their own arses and got a life. The oldest is married, an expectant father and co-driving the Mustang to MMM on Father's Day. The youngest is nearing completion of his Nursing Degree, part time, and has a regular social life outside of the house. like everything else with Kids, if you try to overcontrol them they'll jack up. Eventually they find their way. Our job as parents is to guide and support when needed and encourage their endeavours always. I will never agree that the video's above are funny, I think they document the inadequacy of those parents in their role. I mean no criticism of any forum member, and I feel for you the frustration of kids gone awry. Good luck with them.
Cheers, Ron B

Offline StephenSLR

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the latest Game of Thrones episode. He was losing his mind as everyone he knew had watched it and was talking about it.
I believe he'd also be under age to watch that kind of material. I also experience this daily on facebook, what happened to the good ol' days where you'd just wait till it was on TV, which is pretty much what I'm doing and yeah it does suck waiting to see what happens a few seasons back in Breaking Bad when the final episode has screened and everyone knows how it ends. There's also not much incentive for the TV stations to screen the last few seasons in any hurry now that everyone has watched it.

In our day, maintaining contact with friends meant leaving the house and getting out and about.


Offline GLENN 70

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2014, 10:25:19 am »
A friend of mines wife is on Facebook 24/7 ,every time I see them she is on Facebook . We went for breakfast last week and she was flat out even trying to eat because she was on Facebook the whole time and that was in the car going and leaving also .  :sick:

Offline JT_1994

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2014, 11:50:29 am »
A friend of mines wife is on Facebook 24/7 ,every time I see them she is on Facebook . We went for breakfast last week and she was flat out even trying to eat because she was on Facebook the whole time and that was in the car going and leaving also .  :sick:

I heard of a good rule to stop that..
When out with friends (at a restaurant), everybody must put their phone in the middle of the table, the first person who touches their phone has to pay for everyone..

... I don't really understand people feel the need to be on their phone 24/7, a few of my friends do it all the time and it can be really frustrating so that is probably not a bad idea.
I use mine so infrequently, most of the time I don't even know where it is, let alone if it is charged!
I only use it when I absolutely have to, but most of the time I don't even take it with me...
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 12:58:10 pm by JT_1994 »
JT_1994 aka "Nixon"

Offline StephenSLR

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... I don't really understand people feel the need to be on their phone 24/7, a few of my friends do it all the time and it can be really frustrating

Yes it is frustrating when you're with company that are basically ignoring you.

It is addictive, in a similar fashion I can relate; when I receive private emails at work, I'm basically sitting there bored, an email pops up, it feels like a reward response triggers in my brain and my attention is then diverted for a little bit of time out.


Offline Ash

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2014, 12:13:29 pm »
Just like forum notifications?  :grin:
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Offline StephenSLR

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Just like forum notifications?  :grin:

We can all relate!



Offline stormin

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2014, 01:16:19 pm »
I like JT1994's answer !!
For me a lot of the kids today have no respect and need to be told NO more often.

Offline StephenSLR

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Offline Moz

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Offline JT_1994

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2014, 05:37:18 pm »
Respect comes from the parents and they have no one else to blame.

Monkey see, monkey do.
JT_1994 aka "Nixon"

Offline boss69hogg

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Ash, I feel your pain.

I'm a divorced dad with a 13 yr old son who lives with his mum. She can't be bothered parenting him so just let's him sit in his room playing his x box z24/7. When he comes here we would limit his time on "media" (tv, play station, Xbox, iPad, iPod) and tell him to go outside, play soccer, talk with family etc.

As a result, he no longer comes up as he "doesn't like the rules". Instead he just stays at home and games.

Because he doesn't come up, the ex goes straight to child support and my payments to her go up to $1,521 per month! Meantime, I have an empty room that I'm paying a mortgage on, empty pockets due to the increase of $600 per month in support and a son who is getting 11% in maths assessments.

And I'm apparently the bad parent!

Offline JT_1994

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2014, 05:42:45 pm »
There are parental controls on Xbox 360s which will automatically shut them off after 'x' number of hours..
A pass-code must be entered to override it...... Or you can just manually turn of the wifi...

Oh?..... Who said that?? :leaving:
JT_1994 aka "Nixon"

Offline Ash

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Re: Dad sick of his son playing video games, shreds the lot. Ha Ha
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2014, 07:33:40 pm »
I know exactly what you are going through there, Dave. I too am a divorced dad to a 11 year old who lives with her mother. Thankfully now our communication is amicable but our parenting values are very different.

My daughter goes from being a single child with her Mum, she has every item ever made to man, the complete definition of excess, to then coming to our place where she shares a small 3 bedroom house and little in the way of the latest and greatest. I know she struggles some weekends and would rather be doing nothing at her Mum's place. It's hard to find a happy medium when the two homes are very different.

Some weekends are very tough, the dynamic between her and our younger two kids can be disastrous. Tears, screaming, you name it. Then the next can be a fantastic weekend, just never know.

We've only just started getting the excuses to not come up to our place for the weekend as she wants to go with her friends. I knew it would come at some point of course but it still isn't nice being put second.
"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken" - Kernel Sanders