Suggestion - Photo Albums

Mustang Australia

Author Topic: Suggestion - Photo Albums  (Read 8084 times)

Offline marksince1984

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Suggestion - Photo Albums
« on: October 28, 2012, 07:12:14 pm »
Hi everyone,

Please take this as a constructive suggestion.

We are very lucky to live in a digital world where we can see photo's from car shows around the country a matter of hours after they occur. I love getting online and seeing great photo's of awesome mustangs both from car shows in the threads and also the galleries.

But the current album's that the website uses are clunky and not good to browse. Can we please investigate rolling over to a new gallery provider?. There are heaps out there that show off photo's really well and are easy to browse/flick through photo's.

Am happy to provide suggestions if need be (picasaweb, flickr are two examples that jump to mind)

Cheers guys, keep up the good work.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 07:15:12 pm by marksince1984 »
1969 Mach 1 S Code