Mustang Wedding

Mustang Australia

Author Topic: Mustang Wedding  (Read 2112 times)

Offline petakerle

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Mustang Wedding
« on: May 04, 2010, 07:35:22 am »
Hi Everyone,

We are getting married in May 2011 and are wanting to have Mustangs for our wedding cars!!!
At the moment we are struggling to find where we can hire mustangs from.  Our wedding is being held at the Graceville Uniting Church and reception at Ipswich Brothers Leagues Club.
Please let me know if there is some where we can hire mustangs from or if anybody is will to allow us to us their cars.
Mustangs are my partners favourite car and it is the only part of the wedding that he wants to have his say but I am really having a hard time finding them.
I would be very appreciative if someone could help me out.

Offline Brent

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Mustang Wedding
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2010, 08:11:31 am »
Google "Mustang wedding cars":o
429,C6,MSD, Pertronix coil, Flowmaster, 59K, Griffin radiator, thermo fan, oil coolers. Twice USA magazine featured.