Mustang Owners Club Australia Forum

Technical & General Discussion Area => Tech Torque Pre 1973 => Topic started by: Bashfull on January 15, 2006, 07:28:16 am

Title: AOD gearbox.
Post by: Bashfull on January 15, 2006, 07:28:16 am
anybody ever fitted one of these up ....

what were the results..
Title: AOD gearbox.
Post by: ron on January 15, 2006, 09:21:03 pm
Done the facts and figures myself last year,and decided no way!! The AOD is  only beneficial if you're running 3.8's or lower diff ratios. If you're running 2.7's or even 3's then fuel economy should be decent enough.Even if you ran 4.11's and drove highway all the time  I reckon it would be a few years before it pays itself off. From a performance point of view (again with 3.8's or lower) I'd offer a cautious maybe because of the better 1st and 2nd ratios of the AOD,that's of course if you have a bottomless pocket. Almost forgot $700 for a used EB Falcon auto from the wreckers,don't forget they're over 10 years old,approx $150 to get the drive shaft shortened, almost $100 to adapt the old speedo cable to the electronic output and don't forget the farting around with the linkages.The only good news it bolts straight up without the need for an adaptor plate.Still want an AOD?
Title: AOD gearbox.
Post by: danross18 on March 25, 2006, 08:52:23 pm
I fitted an AOD to my 67. Used the clevo bellhousing, and same crossmember. Just drill 2 holes half an inch aft, and it will slot in. They are slightly wider (same as the FMX's from memory) and make sure you get the TV linkage right.