Technical & General Discussion Area > Mustang Chat Room



Posting this here since there doesnt seem to be a "General" section, so mods please move if needed.

Its that time of the year, and I've been reading the fine print in my insurance policy. Apparently it has changed since last year, and they no longer cover theft if the car is parked on the street at night. I happen to do a lot of my driving at night so this would make the policy near worthless.

Who are you with, how much are you paying and do they have stupid clauses like that?

When you cant drive to work and cant park on the street at night then you cant really do very much beyond sunny sunday driving.

My insurance was the same until I made it known to a high profile insrance rep within MOCA. The policy with this particular company has been changed to read that you're not covered if you park your car outside your house overnight. Shop around until you get the right policy. I don't think this forum is the right place to be mentioning company names.  Good luck!


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