Technical & General Discussion Area > Shelby Pitstop

2017 Shelby Nationals

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Shelby 1:
Pics from the recent Australian Shelby Nationals incorporated with the Victorian Mustang Round-Up on Sunday 22nd October...

Shelby 1:
Australian Shelby Nationals...

Shelby 1:
Australian Shelby Nationals...

Decent amount of money there and looks like you had a bit of rain as well. Who are the guys in the group photo? :thumb:

Shelby 1:
From left to right, Craig Dean from Mustang Motorsport, Brian McAllister (N.S.W. Shelby Rep) Nez Demaj (Australian Shelby Registrar - Victorian Shelby Rep) Fred Pascale (S.A. Shelby Rep)  Darryll Ashby (Qld Shelby Rep)


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