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I've had this website. I'm like a lot of other older members who are not very computer literate. It's nowhere as easy to use as the old one was. I just give up in frustration. posts disappear ,can't find an easy way to reply to posts. And you've got to wander all over the place to find things. Needs to be made simpler.

 I am a computer dummy but dont seem to have many problems except i dont know to put a photo of my cars up .   :ouch:


Not sure what is really frustrating you..... but I do find it a little annoying that this site should have a better today's post section.

The one that is displayed at the bottom of the sub section group page is just way too cluttered and hard to follow. especially if you just want to keep on top of what everyone has to say each day......maybe the Admin guys can take that on board and do something about it ?

That being said,  I was recently on the Mustang Club of America site recently - what a shit fight that site is ......You actually have to pay to become a member to use that site ......I was able to post up a few threads until they realized I hadn't paid ...but after using it there's no way l would bother to pay.

The fact is today there are many options, I recently also found a couple of good AUS forums on US muscle cars - one only has to look.


I find the 'Show unread posts since last visit' really easy to use (much easier than other forums to keep up with posts).

However, yes - posting pictures is a bit convoluted and took me a while to work out the best way - and I'm an IT Manager!  There definitely needs to be something sorted to make that easier for normal people.  Using Flickr or Photobucket is the way to go (CPU will say space on the server is an issue, quite rightly).

66 Stang:

--- Quote from: scollist on May 10, 2013, 10:02:59 pm --- (CPU will say space on the server is an issue, quite rightly).

--- End quote ---

Typical I.S people...HELLO....we are in a technology world, get more space guys, your gunna need it, :grin: :grin:

I agree, the "show new posts" function is great, thats all I ever use usually.


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