Posting from iPad

Started by MachAttack, November 01, 2012, 04:58:55 PM

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For some reason I can't post to the forum from my iPad. It brings up the reply screen but nothing happens when I hit the post button. I sometimes have this problem from my iPhone too but not always. Is there a compatibility problem? Does anyone else have the same problem?


My Ipad seems to work ok...



I'm using my IPad for this reply, the only thing I have trouble with is viewing some embedded you tube, plays on you tube but not on this site.


No probs for me from my iPad either.

Are you running iOS 6 ?

I haven't upgraded yet.



You may be on to something there Frank. I've only had it a couple of weeks and upgraded it straight away. Did the phone aswell and that's probably when that started playing up.


Yeah .. maybe .. I see there is an iOS 6.0.1 update for the iPhone .. not sure about the iPad.

You may want check that out.



Will do that later today, thanks Frank. :thumb:


Quote from: jademustang on November 01, 2012, 09:37:26 PM
I........... the only thing I have trouble with is viewing some embedded you tube, plays on you tube but not on this site.

Yep that's the only thing we can't fix.  The way the new system embeds the videos prevents then from being seen on smart phones etc.  We haven't yet but we intend to put a ticket in to see if that can be rectified in the next update patch.

Can't comment on the Iphone problems but it all works Ok on my Samsung S3 and those that I know who have Iphones don't seem to have a problem with the site.
